Full text of the announcement, and the applications
The full text of the on-air announcement made by YTV on September 29 is as follows:
The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the public authority which regulates and supervises the Canadian broadcasting system, will hold a public hearing on 14 November, 2006 at 9:00 a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, in Gatineau, Quebec, to hear an application concerning the broadcasting license of this station. The application is by YTV Canada, Inc. The purpose of this application is to be granted a license to operate a new national Category 2 English-language specialty Programming undertaking to be known as the Anime Channel. Programming will consist of the animated programming genre known as “anime” and anime relate programming. Programming will be targeted exclusively to adults over the age of 18. A minimum of 65% of the broadcast year will consist of anime programs and a maximum of 35% of the broadcast year will be anime-related programs. 85% of the programming will fall under the categories of ‘feature films’, ‘animation’, and ‘other drama’. No more than 15% of the schedule will be dedicated to information based programs.
If you wish to obtain more information about the application being made by this station, a copy of the complete documentation if available for public viewing during normal office hours at BCE Place, 181 Bay Street, Suite 1630, Toronto, Ontario. If you wish to obtain more information at which our application will be considered, you can go to the “Public Proceedings” section of the CRTC’s website (http://www.crtc.gc.ca) or contact the CRTC in writing at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2.
Members of the public can make their views known to the CRTC regarding the application of this station which is to be considered at the upcoming hearing. To make your views known, follow this procedure:
Your written comments must be received by the CRTC on or before 19 October 2006. A copy of your comments must also be received by the applicant before 19 October 2006. Please note that all information that you submit as part of a public process, including your e-mail address, name and any other personal information you provide becomes part of the public record and can be viewed on the Commission’s website. Documents sent in electronic format will be put on the Commisions website exactly as we receive them, and in the official language in which they are sent. Documents not received electronically will be scanned and put on the website. Submit your written comments to the Secretary General of the Commission using only one of the following formats:
•By using the electronic intervention/comments form located on the CRTCs website at http://www.crtc.gc.ca under “Public Proceedings” then by selecting “Interventions/Comments Forms” or, by selecting the link below the description of each application within the Notice of Public Hearing also located on the CRTC’s website under “Public Proceedings”; or
•By fax to the
Secretary general
(819)994-0218; or
•By mail at
CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A ON2.
The commission advises those who file and serve by electronic mode to exercise caution when using email for service of documents or notification, as it may be difficult to establish that service has occurred.
Before initiating service through electronic mode, please ensure that you will be able to satisfy the Commission, upon request, that service of the notification was completed.
Notice of YTV's application to launch a TV channel dedicated to anime can be read on the CRTC's website here and is as follows:
Across Canada
Application No. 2005-1259-2
Application by YTV Canada, Inc. for a license to operate a national Category 2 English-language specialty programming undertaking to be known as The Anime Channel.
The applicant states that the programming will consist of the animated programming genre known as "anime" and anime-related programming. Typical "anime" themes or genres include Ninja and other martial arts, supernatural or horror, romance and science fiction. Programming on this service will be targeted exclusively to adults over the age of 18.
The applicant further states that a minimum of 65% of the broadcast year will consist of anime programs and a maximum of 35% of the broadcast year will be anime-related programs.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 2(a), 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(g), 11, 12, 13 and 14 as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
The applicant proposes that a minimum of 85% of programs will fall under category 7(d), 7(e) and 7(g), with no more than 15% of the program schedule dedicated to information based programs in which The Anime Channel will explore the world of the anime fan.
Applicant’s address:
BCE Place
Bay-Wellington Tower
181 Bay Street, Suite 1630
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2T3
Fax: 416-642-3779
E-Mail: gary.maavara@corusent.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant’s address
The programming categories listed in the notice are:
2(a) -- analysis and interpretation
7(a) -- ongoing dramatic series
7(b) -- ongoing comedy series (sitcoms)
7(c) -- specials, mini-series, made-for-TV feature films
7(d) -- theatrical films aired on TV
7(e) -- animated television programs and films
7(g) -- other drama
11 -- general entertainment and human interest
12 -- interstitials
13 -- public service announcements
14 -- informercials, promotional and corporate videos
As per the notice, YTV proposes that no less than 85% of the Anime Channel's programming will fall under the bolded categories.
So what do you think.