start time - consistency please!!!
start time - consistency please!!!
Last month (August), we started early, to accomodate extra new videos. I know that we mentioned showing this stuff the month before, but believe it or not, some of us didn't "connect the dots" and figure out that showing this stuff would take longer - and/or we just plain forgot come the next month. Since we don't go any later than midnight, we have to start earlier, OK. But I think this might have been hinted then; certainly it should have been posted on the JAWS site. We have members who essentially show up: some old, many occasional, and some new. It's not fair to them to have the start time suddenly shifted earlier. More than the videos, you have to come after they've started showing, and try to find a seat, etc. And it was disruptive last time for those who arrived early enough. We had a fairly consistent start time for JAWS, and agreed to shift it to accomodate work schedules of Greg and Ray. Please, more conscientiousness. Whatever the previous incarnation of JAWS, we tried to be sensitive to such issues generally. Thanks, and think about this for the future.