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Phin-Phin Pics
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:23 am
by tigergirl
I was looking at the gallery of the main site and I can see that it is lacking in some pics. To tell the truth,


what had happened to all the pics.

Not to worry, I got quite a few Phin-Phin pics and I can get some more, if the artist Karl allows it.
So Karl, can I take the Phin-Phin Pics from your sites, as I know that you have two. Well one is were you put up your pics, but still they are pics.
Thanks in advance, Karl.
Phin-Phin Pics
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:07 pm
by anifan
I don't think there ever were any pics on the site gallery. The gallery was supposed to be set up; and then the pics sent and downloaded onto it. We were also supposed to be able to post our own Phin-Phin fan artwork, and that of others. (This isn't the first time I have mentioned this.)
Karl has his own website; the other one is actually a networking site where people post their artwork. On his site, there are actually quite a few pics, including older ones. I don't think we should or need to take everything; a selection would be more useful (plus a link to Karl's site, if he agrees).
As Karl hasn't posted anything to the site recently, I'm not sure he's been on it (the links on the JAWS site to his don't seem to work any more). I think we will likely be seeing Karl in person at the ASAPA Halloween Dance on the 27th, and could ask him then. Otherwise, we would contact him by e-mail. I don't know if he'd be willing to do anything new specifically for JAWS. But he does seem to be posting new Phin-Phin pics, on his own site.
Phin-Phin Pics
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:00 pm
by tigergirl
I do remember that ine the old website that they did have Phin-Phine Pics, but this site does not, so I am asking Karl and the Forum manager is it is ok, to put up the ones that I have. Which is quite a lot.
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:56 am
As far as I am concerned, any image of Phin-Phin I create is free use for JAWS so long as two conditions are always met.
1) No altering of the images by anyone else but me.
2) My website URL must be present.
Most of the fanart of Phins that I have pretty much carries with it permission for JAWS to post it in their artwork forum. Use outside of that will require the original artists permission, which I may be able to supply contact info for.
Karl's Phin-Phin pics
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:40 pm
by anifan

Wow, it's been awhile since Karl's logged on. I glimpsed him and Chris at the Otafest Cosplay Contest this year; don't know if they saw me.
As to Karl's Phinart conditions; in reverse order:
(2) Karl had personally told me and others that at least "Nekosei Productions" name/logo should be on the art - this has been followed, at my insistence. As to the URL, since some of the images don't have it, it will have to be added and/or updated - I was kind of wondering specifically about it (so remember to add it to all new ones, Karl).
(1) The images haven't been altered for posters/handbills, except for background, e.g. to delete JAWS old URL.

Fabulous image, Karl: you're really mastering CG now.

In other news, if Karl could pass the word along, JAWS is still around. We haven't updated the website schedule due I think primarily to the impending marriage of JAWS' current president

. There was talk at the last meeting about getting Ray-kun Administrator privileges, to do this

. We will try to get some handbills put up at the Sentry Box, etc. before too long, as I have been in the process of resolving Kim's accomodations problems for the last some months myself.