Search found 6 matches

Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:56 am
Forum: Artwork
Topic: Phin-Phin Pics
Replies: 4
Views: 20449

As far as I am concerned, any image of Phin-Phin I create is free use for JAWS so long as two conditions are always met. 1) No altering of the images by anyone else but me. 2) My website URL must be present. Most of the fanart of Phins that I have pretty much carries with it permission for JAWS to p...
Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:02 pm
Forum: Artwork
Topic: Phins showcases her car
Replies: 10
Views: 38838

It's been quite a while since posting up that first CG image of Phin-Phin with her car... In fact, over the past months I have actually finished Phin-Phin to my satisfaction, and even adjusted the look of her car somewhat. Mainly mesh enhancements, but some extra decaling to give it a bit more punch...
Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:56 am
Forum: Artwork
Topic: Phins showcases her car
Replies: 10
Views: 38838

That's why I warned of the nudity.
I never went to art school, aside from the three years of art class taken at Western High School.
Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:27 pm
Forum: Artwork
Topic: Phins showcases her car
Replies: 10
Views: 38838

You think that looks real?
Take a gander at her close up...
*quite topless for max realism smash-age, and not with any hair... but you get the idea.
Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:27 am
Forum: Artwork
Topic: Phins showcases her car
Replies: 10
Views: 38838

I have many places on the net.
All of which are listed in my "contact me" section of my website.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:10 pm
Forum: Artwork
Topic: Phins showcases her car
Replies: 10
Views: 38838

Phins showcases her car

So, what have I been doing art wise?

Take a gander at the most recent creation: ... ig002.html