1) I've been noticing a trend that most anime out there, always has SOME true pervert, even if it's mainly young girls. I've been watching this one anime called 'Zettai Karen Children'. There's a ten year old that chases after the older women worst than the guys do. A pervert doctor actually takes notes from here. Inyuasha had the preist with the hole in his hand that wants to have children with ANY female over the age of 12. I'm not sure of what the rating for 'Kanokan' nor 'To Love Ru",but both of these,it's a good thing the guys in them can RUN! ;D
2) We've shown season 1 of 'Zero's familiar'. I found season two interesting and raising questions. In season 3, there's a slew load of questions that are springing out of the woodwork.
This is my two cents worth. Feel free to DISCUSS anything...anime.