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Half Price Manga and Anime at Comic Kazi

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:56 am
by greentea
Drove by and saw Comic Kazi's storefront sign. Nov 12-14, half price on manga and anime. says you get a free sushi eraser with purchase. I'm so there. :D

Half Price Manga and Anime at Comic Kazi

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:19 pm
by anifan
:D Hey, thanks for the heads up. Haven't seen you at JAWS?

:?: Just a couple of notes. The website says only Nov 13-14 for the sale.

:!: Otafest Lite is on the 13th!! I suppose they would have a dealer booth there. But would they bring their 1/2 price stuff there??